Sunday, May 13, 2018


Well, it's been a while since I have blogged. Part of it was Technical Difficulties (GoDaddy is so expensive and so difficult to work with). Part of it was people in my life -- I realized that I had two significant relationships, where neither supported me in my writing. And the biggest part was that I just let other things get in the way.
  The truth is that I like writing. I find it very cathartic to get my thoughts onto paper. And lately I have just been doing that through my personal journaling.
   But, I'm ready to get back out and engage in the world more. Winter is over, and I'm done hibernating. There is a whole beautiful world out there -- and I want to see more of it. And I do better and getting out and being engaged when I put a plan together -- including a blogging plan. This Spring/Summer will have a few fun adventures, and I want to make sure that I capture them -- if only for myself.
   For me, Blogging is my way of pushing myself. Doing more. Taking more chances. Getting out and finding more of life. And I want to push myself. Because "being comfortable" doesn't really get you anywhere in this world.
  So stay tuned - and come along for the ride!

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